Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Today marks the day I've officially read the bible to completion. Yes, I've read every one of those 774,746 words (I counted, not really). Its such a bittersweet feeling right now especially remembering back to Dec. 31st, 2010 when I decided to make this commitment for the year. It was one of my 2011 resolutions and I'm ecstatic that I've actually seen it through. Honestly I can't remember what my other resolutions were but I'm glad that this one pulled through the crowd. It's been an awesome journey and I can't say the timing could've been any better. Even though I read the bible in a linear fashion, certain chapters, certain verses, certain stories were on target for the spiritual guidance or healing that I needed, especially true during my desert days from May through November.

God is good, all the time.

When I finished chaptered 22 of Revelations a few minutes ago, I felt like I conquered the world. I can vividly recall the feeling of fear and intimidation at the sheer length of the bible when I first read through Genesis 1-3 on January 1st, 2011 thinking this is impossible. Slow and steady won this race. He's been good to me and allowed my conscience to remind me to daily read read and more read. Although there are a couple of days where I missed, He granted me wisdom to catch up on the next day. All in all, I'm glad. 2012 is looming just beyond the near horizon and I'm ready to start again. Next year and the subsequent years, I'll read daily no matter what. No matter how busy or crazy things get I'll try my hardest.

My challenge now is to read the bible 49 more times in the next 49 years so by the time I'm 73, I'll have read the bible 50 times through. Here's my commitment now and the true test of my personal faith to begin in 2012. Granted I'll probably not update this blog when I'm 73 but who knows. So if you guys want to mark your calendars, December 28, 2061, I shall "try" to remember to update this blog with an entry celebrating my 50th Bible Completion. Words are cheap, but I'll really try to remember.


Bible Progress - Back to Genesis 1 on 1/1/12 :)
Bible Completion - 1

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